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These data were made available by the geomagnetism and aeronomy team of the Laboratoire des Sciences des Structures de la Matière , de l'Environnement et de l'Energie Solaire (LASMES) of the UFR des Sciences des Structures de la Matière et Technologies (SSMT) from Université Felix Houphouët Boigny (UFHB) / Côte d’Ivoire.

This team is made up of 4 Professors, 6 young doctors and 1 PhD student.



We are grateful to the SCOOSTEP/PRESTO for the financial support of the project.

SCOSTEP has been running long-term international interdisciplinary scientific programs in solar-terrestrial physics since 1966 (read more

PRESTO (Predictability of variable solar-terrestrial coupling) is the 2020-2024 science program for SCOSTEP (read more

Goal : Make data freely available to all in the SCOSTEP/PRESTO community.

About data

The data are from International Equatorial Electrojet Year (1992–1993) (translated in french as l’Année Internationale de l’Electrojet Equatorial, AIEE).

During the AIEE, several instruments were installed in countries located along the magnetic equator. Among others, the city of Korhogo (Latitude: 9◦33’ N; Longitude: 5◦46’O; dip Latitude: -0.67◦) received an ionosonde (type IPS-42 of Kel Aerospace) that was used to collect ionospheric data for almost a decade, spanning from 1992 to 2001. In addition, a chain of ten magne-tometers across the magnetic equator during the same campaign (AIEE), was used to collect magnetic data covering a shorter period (1993-1994). The ionosonde’s data collection was a success until it was interrupted by the 2002 rebellion, which divided the country into two parts for the following decade. The equipment was vandalized during this period. The raw data are available, however, they are saved on several hard drives scattered in many places (mostly in Korhogo and Abidjan).

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Laboratory last 5 years publication

Estimating some parameters of the equatorial ionosphere electrodynamics from ionosonde data in West Africa

18 Décembre 2016

Grodji, Oswald & Doumbia, Vafi & Boka, K. & Amory-Mazaudier, Christine & Cohen, Y. & Fleury, Rolland
Advances in Space Research. 59. 10.1016/j.asr.2016.09.004.

Induction effects of geomagnetic disturbances in the geo-electric field variations at low latitudes

04 Janvier 2017

Doumbia, V, Boka, K., Kouassi, N., Grodji, O. D. F., Amory-Mazaudier C., Menvielle, M.
Annales Geophysicae, 35(1), 39–51.

Ionosonde observations of the effects of the major magnetic storm of September 22–26, 1999 at equatorial station in west Africa

15 Mai 2018

Coulibaly, I. S., Adohi, B. J.-P., Tanoh, K. S.
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 170, 75–82.

Estimating the daytime vertical E × B drift velocities in the F-region of the equatorial ionosphere using the IEEY and AMBER magnetic data in West Africa

01 Juin 2020

A.A. Kassamba, V. Doumbia, O.K. Obrou, F.O. Grodji, Z. Tuo, N. Kouassi, E. Yizengaw
Advances in Space Research, Volume 65, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 2573-2585, ISSN 0273-1177.

Variations of the peak positions in the longitudinal profile of noon-time equatorial electrojet

17 Novembre 2020

Tuo Z., Doumbia V., Coïsson P., Kouassi N., Kassamba A. A.
Earth, Planets and Space, 72(1), 174.

Geomagnetically-induced effects related to disturbed geomagnetic field variations at low latitude

03 Septembre 2021

Kouassi N., Doumbia V., Boka K., Tuo Z., Grodji O. D. F., Kassamba A. A., Zillé A. F.
Journal of Earth System Science, 130 (3), 180.